You know when you meet someone for the first time, and there's that awkward moment? They lean forward and in one split second, you must decide: to kiss or not to kiss?
Since I moved over here, it's a constant conundrum. Some people shake hands. Some kiss on one cheek, some on both. What to do?
So someone, please, tell me: how do you know to kiss or not to kiss?
I've got the same problem. Because of my husband's work, we're friends with quite a few Europeans. They kiss. And our dutch friends kiss three times! Americans rarely kiss, unless we're close. It's a minefield of kissing issues!
no kiss!
i rarely even kiss my family
Yes, I'm with you and Theresa! It's a constant problem. I thought the English weren't particularly into this practice, but it seems they're being influenced by the Continent, particularly young women or, obviously, those with roots in some other country. I've had so many embarrassing accidents and almost-accidents resulting from this...
Being French I'd tend to kiss but after many awkward moments I keep to myself. And if you kiss you have the one or two kisses situation...
Thanks ladies! I think I'll go for the handshake first and let the other person make the first move!
ech, who the eff knows. I know lots of Europeans around here, and after years of awkward moments, I've learned to follow their lead. Sometimes it's a smile, hug or handshake, other times it's a kiss, and sometimes 2 kisses. And I'm not touchy feely at the best of times.
I don't think you ever know. You just go for it and hope for the best!
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