Time has flown and 24 Hours Paris launches one week from today! We have a snazzy new cover and some great reviews. To get a taste of the book and to see how to win free copies, head over to the 24 Hours Paris blog. But wait!
Because you can win your very own 24 Hours Paris book right here (gosh, I sound like a TV advert) or a copy of 24 Hours London. All you need to do is either write in the comments section or email marshawrites AT gmail.com with the answer to this question:
Which city do you like more -- London or Paris -- and why?
(Note: nation bashing does not count as a reason!).
Let's see if we can reignite the great English-French battles, shall we? I'll be giving away one copy of 24 Hours Paris and one copy of 24 Hours London to the two best (or most interesting) answers.
The contest is open until launch day -- May 12, 2010. I'll post the winners on that day. Also on launch day, I'll be doing a 24 Hour Tweetathon on Twitter, where every hour from 12 a.m. on May 12th until 11 p.m. that same day, I'll be posting tips from the book. Follow along here.
Right. Now where's my coffee? I need more caffeine...
See, living like I do far from the bright lights of any metropolis,lt alone London or Pairs, not sure I am qualified to answer this!
However, at a push I shall go for London. Paris has effortless chic and is, I think, the more refined and grown up of the two cities. London is the more daring. It gets things wrong. it also gets them oh so right. Culturally it is more willing to embrace those that give it a go than its posh neighbour.
Paris is chic. London is cool.
Hell, I'm still in my twenties. I vote for cool :-)
Paris or more specifically the Marais - endless vintage shops like jumble sales full of chic french treasure, pavement cafe's where you can drink french wine and eat french cheese (no further endorsement needed there) and take part in some of the best people watching in the world from the stylish elfin French women to the strikingly beautiful and gorgeously gay men. Heaven!
Wow, Marsha! When it rains, it pours. So exciting!
I only spent a few days in each city, so I'm certainly not the best person to ask. That said, it's Paris! I fell in love with the food (marrow, cheese) and wine. And I love how they get their trees so square. One day, I saw the workers doing and snapped a photo. It was (oddly) a very exciting moment for me. It's a beautiful city too.
So many exciting things happening in your career right now, Marsha! Congratulations! Never having been to either city I can still say that London would be preferable because...just because it does and I already have 24 Hours London to help me get around!
Congratulations again Marsha. You are really on a roll and long may it last!
Let's see, I am torn. Both cities hold special interest for me. But I will go with Paris this time. I spend less time there and don't know it as well. I love the feeling of Paris. The open sidewalk cafes, the wonderful food and wine and the Louvre. I adore strolling through the Louvre and Montmartre. Paris equals 'Art' to me.
Thanks, ladies! Great answers! You're all in the draw!
Which city do you like more -- London or Paris -- and why?
Such a good question for me right now. Paris holds my heart - I forgot it there in October and I have yet to reclaim it. I loved getting lost in the Marais - turning corners and stumbling onto museums, gazing longingly at gorgeous french boys with scarves, who were paused at windows look at the displays within. Mushrooms and persimmons galore on every street side. Le sigh. Paris wins... for now.
However, in less than a year (more like 6 months), I will arrive in London, and I'm hoping it will win the battle of the hearts, because it will be my new home and gosh darn I want to love it!
Thanks, Within Ireland! You're in the draw!
That's an almost impossible question to answer because it's almost like having to compare chalk and cheese.
I love living in London. But I also enjoy escaping from London.
So, by a petit peu, I'm going to choose Paris. It's always been delightful when I've visisted, easy to get to by train (much nicer than flying) and always feels a great place to stroll and explore and relax and eat and...
(wanders off to see if he can find some cheap tickets on Eurostar)
Hi Marsha,
Great blog! Was wondering if you'd like to be part of a project I've got on mine called Listen to a Londoner. It's a 10 question interview about London life, a few sentences as an intro, a pic of you and of course a link to your site... Let me know what you think. There's a link to archives here if you want to have a look:
Seeing as you have literally written the books; which do you? I wish I could compare from experience, but like many others who have commented, I am yet to visit Paris. I only absorb longingly what I can from books, blog sites such as Easy Fashion @ http://bit.ly/99ltHY, snippets from actual visitors, and the news from Frenchman Stephane who tells me he prefers London as it is "so green" in comparison to Paris. I was shocked and disgusted to hear this! I want to love London but to me, green as it may well be, the almost insistent rain leaves a veil of grey that is surely swept away by the Bohemia of Paris. Films such as Moulin Rouge, Paris Je T'aime, Amelie, and the aptly named...Paris have clearly given me a romantic vision of the famed city, but, as I am yet to explore it for myself I couldn't possibly give up on it. So, Paris, chic, shabby, leafless, busy, eiffel-tower bearing, cheese-mongering, oiseau (or, Waazouw if you were my dad on his trip in '87) spotting PARIS!
Congratulations on your book release!
Now that's a difficult choice, but as a lifetime anglophile I'm afraid I'll have to say London... No matter, it's only a short ferry ride away from Calais and then Paris, after all!
Hard choice but I'd have to say Paris. It is a city of romance, beauty, 1920s writers and existential debates in little cafes. It inspires and refreshes. It feeds the body and the soul.
While Paris is a nice place to visit... I like London more. It's cleaner.
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