Tuesday, January 12, 2010

5 Minutes of Procrastination

Thanks to everyone who dropped by from Nicola's blog party! It was great to read all the comments.

I'm in the throes of editing right now, and after a particularly trying night spent blocking out The Man's increasingly weird-sounding snores, my attention was not what it should have been. I was up, I was down, I was eating... you get the picture.

A typical five minutes in my mind this afternoon went something like this:

OK. Right. (Sitting down in the chair). Oh, this is uncomfortable. Gosh, maybe I should fix the chair. (Fiddles with knobs on chair, thus making it even more uncomfortable). It's been a minute. I should check my Twitter account. Nothing. Maybe my email? Oooh, someone commented on a Facebook photo; let me check.

I must get back to the editing. (Fixes one sentence.) Hm, I feel a bit hungry. Maybe some bread. (Heads to the kitchen to get a slice and goes back to computer.) Well, I can't write while I'm eating, so I'll just check my GoogleReader. (One minute later.) That bread has made me thirsty. Maybe some orange juice. (Heads to kitchen to get juice.)

...and so on. Oh, the torture!


Karen Jones Gowen said...

That blog party was fun. I spent hours Sunday and Monday blogging, discovering new blogs, commenting and following. A lot of Tuesday, too, and today the compulsion is still with me. So much so that I wrote two posts in one day! Talk about avoiding the real work. And yeah, bread helps, too.

Nayuleska said...

Lol! Yup, that sounds like me. sometimes anything other than writing/editing seems like the best thing to do.

Marsha said...

The blog party was great! I felt like i was stalking you, Karen - I was often the next comment after you!

And Yunaleska, yes. Sometimes anything seems better than editing!

Deniz Bevan said...

Ha ha! So true! And don't forget all the Facebook games...

Marsha said...

Oh, Facebook games! Thankfully I have not yet fallen prey to Farmville and the like...